(VIDEO) Should I Bid on Branded Keywords or Trademarked Keywords?

Hi. Today, we’re talking about should I bid on my brand name or my company name inside our PPC or Google Ads account? By the end of this video, we’ll tell you if you should or should not be bidding on your brand name.

So, to get back to why we’re here, should you be bidding on your brand name in your PPC or Google Ads account? Let’s give you some reasons why you should, but stay tuned for the most important one, which I save for last.

Bid On Your Brand Name

Number one, if you do bid on your brand, you can dominate the search results page.

What do I mean by that? When I talk to a lot of clients about bidding on their brand name, a lot of the pushback I’ll get is, “Well, if somebody types my name up, I’m coming up number one in the organic results, anyway,” and that’s great.

The problem with that is, is that typically now there are other results above that, whether they are ads, whether they are Google Business listings.

Whatever it might be, sometimes people don’t get all the way down to those organic listings. And I hate to tell you this, but if you’ve ever followed your organic listings, the ranking of it, and most people don’t know how to do this accurately.

But if you’re actually following with your ranking, some days we’ll see our website in the number one position if you type in PPCVideoTraining.com.

However, there are days where Google’s algorithm goes through a change and it disappears completely. Now, it might only disappear for a couple hours, it might only disappear for a day or two, but it has disappeared.

What happens if somebody is looking for us during that time? We want to make sure we’re coming up number one in the organic as often as we can be, but also that we’re putting our name and brand up there in the ads as well.

So, that is the first thing that they see. So, the majority, we would love to have all of the listings on the first page, but we know that that’s not possible.

But we’d like to have obviously as many as we can so when somebody is looking for us, it shows that we might have a little bit of authority. Make sense?

Cost Per Click

The next reason could be cost per click. Now, some people I know are bidding a lot for competitive keywords that maybe an electrician or a service business or a product, that maybe a lot of other people are advertising, therefore the cost might be pretty expensive.

But if you are bidding on your brand name and you’re taking people to a domain with your brand in it, there’s probably going to be a pretty low cost per click.

In fact, a lot of the times you’re going to find that might be 10, 20, 30 cents,. Maybe it’s a little bit more, but that is targeted traffic that you are driving to your campaign.

And in the past, to be honest with you, it’s pennies compared to what you’re spending on the rest of your campaign. Why not get those clicks and possible turn them into customers, making it extremely easy for those people to find you?

Cost Per Acquisition

Next one, cost per acquisition. Maybe somebody is looking for you because they are looking to make a purchase.

Maybe they are just trying to find out more information about you because they saw you may be on YouTube or someone else, or they’re checking out your company, whatever it might be.

If you can drive somebody to your website that much easier, you’re bringing your cost per acquisition down. Some people could be really, really close to a conversion, and you might just be putting your ad in front of them at the right time.

It could be that tipping point, and in your ad, you could present something that might tip them over the edge. Whether it’s an offer, whether it’s a coupon, whatever it might be.

Use those ads to your advantage. Use them to tip that person right over into a conversion.

Announce Something

Next, this one kind of goes along with the previous one, but do you have something that you need to tell your customers about immediately? Perhaps you have a sale that’s ending soon.

Perhaps you have a new offer or a new product, or a new sale that just started, or a new coupon code.

Whatever it might be, you can basically put those ads up, have them approved within a couple of hours, and have them showing to anybody that’s searching for your business.

Let them know that you have the newest and greatest thing to offer, or the best prices, or new pricing, or a new offer, whatever it might be. Use that as a platform or as a billboard to let people know what you have to offer.

The next one, you can actually improve the health of your PPC or Google Ads account. Now, somebody may be asking, “Well, how does that work?” Let’s say your account is underperforming.

Maybe you have really low quality scores, it’s just not performing very well, your cost per clicks are going up, you’re getting fewer conversions.

Your campaign seems to just kind of be going downhill. Well, if you do have a campaign where you set it up as a branded campaign, those are typically easy conversions.

Therefore, the more conversions you get at a lower cost per click, you’re going to be bringing that part of the campaign up, which can bring your overall account health up as well. So, it’s easy conversions.

It will kind of help, hopefully, even out your account a little bit if it’s starting to go a little bit negative.

Now, before I reveal the last one, if you have any ideas of reasons why you should or should not bid on your branded key terms, do us a favor. Leave it in the comments below. Love to hear any suggestions or ideas that you might have.

Be One Step Ahead of Your Competitors

Now, the last one and what I think is one of the most important ones is competition. And what I mean by that is, chances are your competitors are actually bidding on your brand name as well, and yes, this is totally legal.

And some people will say, “Well, no. They can’t bid on my name. They can’t use my name at all.” If my company is PPCVideoTraining.com, can somebody else bid on that term? Absolutely.

They can bid on it as long as they don’t use my name in any of their ads or ad copy. Make sense?

They can bid on that and they can show their ads up there with me. And some people will say, “Well, how is that even legal?” And if you think about it, now for those of you I might be dating myself a little bit here.

But with the Yellow Pages, back in the day, when somebody would look in the Yellow Pages for pizza delivery companies, you go back to the P section, find pizza delivery or pizza, and there’s 20 ads of businesses looking right at you.

Anybody can purchase the biggest ad if they want to pay for it, so it’s just like that. Anybody can purchase your brand term or keyword, as long as they don’t use that in their ads.

But your competitors are probably doing it for you. Do you think you should be doing it for yourself? You want to make sure they’re coming up above you if you just start depending on your organic listing.

They’re coming up above you as far as the one, two, three and number four ad section. So, don’t you want to make sure that you’re coming up above them there so that you’re coming up at the top?

They might have an ad, but then you’re coming up first in organic. See what I mean? It’s a cheap, easy way to help fend off some of your competitors.

Okay, so if you’re interested in true step by step Google Ads setup and optimization training, head on over to PPCVideoTraining.com. We have a link to that in the description below, and you can find out more.

If you’re interested in more content like this, to your right you should see another video about how many keywords you should have in your Google Ads account.

Hope that helps. Let us know if we can help out in any way. Thanks for watching.

Thank you for checking our post on: Should I Bid on Branded Keywords or Trademarked Keywords?

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